We fund
Any Business Need:
Pharma API’S
Bulk Drugs & Chemicals
Renewable Energy
Hospitals & Diagnostics
Manufacturing firms
IT and ITeS entities
Manufacturing Firms
Fashion & Retail Businesses
Steel and Cement
Media Companies
Gems and Jewellery

Fundraise Solutions

Fundraise Solutions

1. UnSecured Debt – Sector Agnostic
  • Collateral-free, Business loans; without charge on existing Debt or receivables/cashflow
  • Value – INR 1 to 10cr
  • For Early Revenue to growth startups, capitalizing on GTM opportunities
  • Disbursed in 2 weeks
2. Debt Refinancing
  • Refinancing existing Debt profile with a larger Enhancement, Lower costs, without any New Collateral
  • Value – INR 20 to 100cr;
  • Disbursed in 4 weeks
3. Secured Working Capital Loans
  • Working Capital loans in the form of OD/CC/Term Debt, against a Collateral.
  • Value – INR 10 to 100cr;
  • Disbursed in 4 weeks
4. Revenue Based Financing
  • Structured fundraise leveraging the cashflow consistency and Debt profile
  • Value – INR 5 to 50cr;
  • Disbursed in 4 weeks
5. Promoter Financing
  • Funding majority stakeholders against the Equity ownership and Networth
  • Value – INR 10 to 100cr;
  • Disbursed in 4 weeks
6. Invoice Discounting
  • Encashing short term receivable Invoices on current date based on end client’s due diligence.
  • Value – INR 5 to 50cr;
  • Disbursed in 1 week
7. Term Debt
  • Structured fundraise from multiple Institutions on shared liabilities
  • Value – INR 10 to 100cr;
  • Disbursed in 4 weeks
8. Project finance
  • Term loans for setting up New Capacity or its Expansion, as its own collateral
  • Value – INR 10 to 100cr;
  • Disbursed in 6-8 weeks
9. LAP
  • Loan against Property with best LTV ratio on unencumbered Assets
  • Value – INR 5 to 50cr;
  • Disbursed in 4 weeks
10. Supply Chain Financing
  • Financing numerous Vendors in the Supply chain on the merit of its Anchor Corporate
  • Value – INR 5 to 50cr;
  • Disbursed in 4 weeks
11. Off Balance Sheet financing
  • Financing Inventory or Business Assets in a Leased manner to avoid Over Leverage of Debt ratios
  • Value – INR 5 to 50cr;
  • Disbursed in 4 weeks
12. IPO Funding
  • Structured Underwriting and financing of an IPO listing
  • Value – INR 25 to 250cr;
  • Disbursed in 4-6 weeks